Should You Be Concerned About Mouth Sores?

June 28, 2018

Mouth sores are not uncommon, and usually not especially serious either.

Despite that, they can both be very unsightly and also quite uncomfortable, depending on their precise location. Whilst most will go away on their own, or with a few changes to your lifestyle, persistent sores, or any that last for over a week should be checked out at The Lodge Dental Suite.

Causes of mouth sores

Some conditions such as leukoplakia or oral thrush may cause mouth sores, but they are also more likely if you have problems with your teeth or gums. Some sores are caused by bacteria and can be more prolific if you have an untreated tooth cavity, or even just a relatively small piece broken off a tooth which is causing irritation. In addition to preserving the tooth, having it treated may also help to prevent mouth sores.

Another possible dental cause is when you don’t clean your teeth well, including failure to use dental floss. This could be due to generally poor oral health care, or perhaps when it becomes more difficult to clean, for example when wearing a “wires and brackets” brace to straighten crooked teeth. If this is you, and you need advice, it may be a good idea to see our dental hygienist for guidance and a thorough clean to help restore your mouth to good health.

Stop smoking

As we’ve noted before, smoking is a serious threat to your oral health; for example gum disease and bone loss caused by periodontitis are far more likely if you smoke than if you don’t. Excessive alcohol too can have a similar outcome. Our advice to our Cheshunt and Goffs Oak dental patients who do smoke, is to seek help to stop, as soon as you can. Your oral and general health will be much better for it.

Smoking has also been linked to oral cancers. This is a potentially life threatening disease and stopping smoking will significantly reduce the chances of it happening to you.

If you find that you get mouth sores on a regular basis, or if you have had one that shows no sign of going away after a week or so, we recommend that you arrange to see one of the dentists at our Cheshunt dental surgery. We will give your mouth a thorough check up, including x-rays if necessary, and arrange a treatment plan to restore the health of your mouth. You can contact The Lodge Dental Suite by calling us on 01992 643388.

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